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In gwholsat you are going to see every store that is available in your city (mandsaur) . And the store are going to be totally verified manually with the agent so there is no fraud with either store or from coustmer and for this we are going to give one bill to the shop owner & other to the costumer and for return coustmer is allow to go  himself on shop and change the item if they don't like it .

As to create a positive relationship with costumer and shop owner we share name of coustmer to the owner so that the costumer will say to owner that we always order from your shop . 

We show stores which are very famous and also which are just launch so that coustmers can see which one is selling the products in best price and in best quality of product and as in this time there is store in every colony of the city so to make that store visible to full city we are here for the shop owners .

And as this corona time it is hard for costumers to go to shop & purchase from there favorite store 

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